Saturday, December 5, 2009

What was that?

Is anyone else having trouble understanding what they are singing on the new Gap commercials? I had to listen - and by listen I mean pause and rewind - to the ones with the little girls at least three times. In case you want to know, this is what I think they are saying.

I love my snugglie sweater.
I love my snugglie sweater.
How cute are these boots?
How cute are these boots?

I have watched the one about warm flannels at least seven times. I have no idea what they are saying. Is there something about electronics and then it's all about flannel? Could that be right?

I liked it better when the gap dancers just danced.

Maybe my hearing is going. On more than one occasion, Jack has asked me to turn on my listening ears. People who completely love me have been know to suggest I don't listen well. Same goes for people who sign my paychecks. I am not the best listener. But maybe...

I am not not listening because I don't care what you're saying.
I am not not listening because I don't care what you're saying AND I maybe cannot hear you.

Driving to the Nutcracker tonight, Jack is in the back seat telling me the story of Nutcracker. They have learned about it at school because he knows the whole story. Uses proper names, like Clara. Mentions the Godfather. Knows about the land of sweets.

I congratulate him on knowing so much of the story. I smile and have my elitist smug mommy moment of the day.

I then hear, "There's more than one virgin of the the story, Mommy."


"I am sorry Jack, what was that?"

"What was what Mommy?"

"More than one what?"


The light changes. I don't drive right away.

"Buddy, are you saying version?"

"Yes, Mommy."

Resume driving at normal pace. A few minutes later I hear, "What did you think I said, Mommy?"

I pretend to not hear him.


And I wasn't sure I'd have a topic for my blog today.

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