Wednesday, December 2, 2009

St. Elmo's deal with the devil

I think I am more of a morning person now.
Not like crack of dawn morning. Just regular old morning. Around 7 am. Nothing crazy. Not still dark morning.
Not like Becca, who has this alarm on her blackberry that goes off every 20 minutes beginning just before 5 am...even though she doesn't make a move to get out of bed before 5:45 am. Shut up. Ask Juan. Why would I lie?

I like 6:45 am. Check an email or two. Check the weather.
I like being showered before Jack wakes up, before Lucio begins to unwrap himself from our bedding.
Lucio has this ongoing lament that I don't stay under the covers and instead try to use his body for warmth. Therefore, he winds up with all the covers on him. There's a whole section of this diatribe about me sleeping on the diagonal.

I say I do it because I like him and want to be close to him.
He says it's because I still go to bed 2-3 hours before he does and I figure he'll work around me when he gets there. Most nights, I go to bed at 10:30 or so and he comes in around 2 am. What? He is in school full time and needs to study.

He also says because he's a full time student, he's thinking of growing his ponytail back.
I say go for it.
It will look so sssseeeexxxxyyyy with streaks of gray.


The 7-8 o'clock hour is my fave. You want to know why?
Reruns of West Wing. Josh. Toby. President Bartlett and Leo. Mrs. Laningham...(say it like Oprah would if she was bringing her out of stage)...Charlie. And the two most perfect examples of a young DC gals, Donna Moss and Ainsley Hayes. (It's from Pinafore).

And yes, Sam Seaborn. So righteous and cute and we completely forgive him for sleeping with a hooker.

But how is it he looks as good as he did when he was in the movie Class in 1983. Not that he is old. He isn't. He'll be 46 next March. He is as hot today as he was 25 years ago. Does that seem fair?

What is going on that he looks like this at 45?

I don't watch Brothers and Sisters... I cannot keep the brothers straight on that show. One of them is Baltazhar Getty who was a TeenBeet sort of guy when I was 15 and now I cannot pick him out of the cast.

But I know Rob is in this show and he still is as handsome as the day is long. No signs of aging. His gray hairs are suble and defining. Remember, dear friends, in St. Elmo's Fire, he was snogging Mare Winningham. She is a touch older than him. She turned 50 this year. And she's fine to look at. Here she is 7 years ago.

This is Rob. In 1983.
Admit it. There's hardly a difference.

I am fine with all of this. I just pose these questions for my own amusement.

Every morning I am transfixed by West Wing. There are two episodes every morning. One at 7 am. One at 8. I cry when Toby arranges the funeral for the homeless vet. I wait and wait for Josh to love Donna. I literally squeel with joy when Amy Gardner is there fighting the good fight for us gals.

I am now DVR'ing each of them and watching at night. Oh, wow I forgot Claudia Jean!!! And Danny Kincannon. No, Viva, you did not miss anything...

Maybe it's West Wing's fault I am having trouble sleeping.
I am waiting to be called in to work at the pleasure of the President.

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