Monday, November 30, 2009

What does A&E stand for?

A&E channel offers us a new show - well - new to me - called Hoarders.

I have never watched it.

I am quite certain the commercials are sufficient.

It's the kind of commercial - or trailer at the movie - that I simply know will stay with me long past the credits. Like the video Jim McConnell showed me of a woman performing a job on a horse. He showed it to me in like 1998. And I can still see it. Or that youtube thing about chickens getting their beaks pulled off. That shit is there forever.

Have you seen these this Hoarders thing? I mean does it exist just to make me feel better about not filing my receipts? Is it there just to make the lack of precise organization of Jack's toys seem managable?

Oh, yeah, the bad new about me?

The commercials make me wish just a teenny tiny bit that my televison emitted odor. For like a second.

So I could know for certain WHAT THAT PLACE SMELLS LIKE.

I sometimes cannot handle the smell in Jack's laundry basket. Sometimes the garage makes me gag a little.

I just cannot get my head around this show.

Julie told me some woman hoarder evidently made an argument that the canned goods had not gone bad because the can hadn't expanded yet. Are you serious? That's your gauge? I cannot imagine the amount bacteria needed to make a tin can expand. That takes serious stick-togetherness on the part of the ick.

For some reason I thought it was on Bravo.

It's not.

It's on A&E.

What does A&E stand for these days?

Abhorent and Exercrable?

Can you imagine the poor producer for this show? All of 23 years old, first real job after interning for the past two years - she finally lands a real adult job. No more Unos for her. Emails everyone she knows - "I am a producer for this new hot show called Hoarders on A&E! The director totally loves me and I am learning so much!! You have to watch!"

And then she spends day after day in locations that make "smells like ass" feel like holiday baking.

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